Saturday, February 3, 2007

Short Story of HMS Dreadnought

The HMS (His/Her Majesty's Ship) Dreadnought was revolutionary in the construction of battleships. The first dreadnought entered service in 1906. It was completed in 1 year and 1 day.

The ships which had been made before Dreadnought became anachronistic and we know them as pre-dreadnought ships. The main reason why England constructed dreadnought was to deter Germany to trigger off a war. At the same time, the invention of dreadnought was not retentive, but it caused a global arms race. Other countries, including Japan and the USA, also started to build ships similar to Dreadnought. These types of ships were called dreadnought-type ships.

Dreadnought was the first warship which used steam turbines. It made her faster than the other the height of the ship was lower than the height of the previous ships. For that reason, it was a hard target.

She had 10 main batteries in 5 turrets, while early ships had only 4 main batteries. This innovation gave her a more powerful firepower. Additional light guns were included for close-in defence but were not intended as offensive weapons.

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